Lab 12 - Differential Equations
In this lab you will implement a simple solver for ordinary differential equations (ODE) as well as a less verbose version of the GaussNum
s that were introduced in the lecture.
Euler ODE Solver
In this first part you will implement your own, simple, ODE framwork (feel free to make it a package;) in which you can easily specify different ODE solvers. The API is heavily inspired by DifferentialEquations.jl
, so if you ever need to use it, you will already have a feeling for how it works.
Like in the lecture, we want to be able to specify an ODE like below.
function lotkavolterra(x,θ)
α, β, γ, δ = θ
x₁, x₂ = x
dx₁ = α*x₁ - β*x₁*x₂
dx₂ = δ*x₁*x₂ - γ*x₂
[dx₁, dx₂]
In the lecture we then solved it with a solve
function that received all necessary arguments to fully specify how the ODE should be solved. The number of necessary arguments to solve
can quickly become very large, so we will introduce a new API for solve
which will always take only two arguments: solve(::ODEProblem, ::ODESolver)
. The solve
function will only do some book-keeping and call the solver until the ODE is solved for the full tspan
The ODEProblem
will contain all necessary parameters to fully specify the ODE that should be solved. In our case that is the function f
that defines the ODE itself, initial conditions u0
, ODE parameters θ
, and the time domain of the ODE tspan
struct ODEProblem{F,T<:Tuple{Number,Number},U<:AbstractVector,P<:AbstractVector}
The solvers will all be subtyping the abstract type ODESolver
. The Euler
solver from the lecture will need one field dt
which specifies its time step:
abstract type ODESolver end
struct Euler{T} <: ODESolver
Overload the call-method of Euler
(solver::Euler)(prob::ODEProblem, u, t)
such that calling the solver with an ODEProblem
will perform one step of the Euler solver and return updated ODE varialbes u1
and the corresponding timestep t1
function (solver::Euler)(prob::ODEProblem, u, t)
f, θ, dt = prob.f, prob.θ, solver.dt
(u + dt*f(u,θ), t+dt)
# define ODEProblem
θ = [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.2]
u0 = [1.0,1.0]
tspan = (0.,100.)
prob = ODEProblem(lotkavolterra,tspan,u0,θ)
# run one solver step
solver = Euler(0.2)
(u1,t1) = solver(prob,u0,0.)
([0.98, 0.98], 0.2)
Implement the function solve(::ODEProblem,::ODESolver)
which calls the solver as many times as are necessary to solve the ODE for the full time domain. solve
should return a vector of timesteps and a corresponding matrix of variables.
function solve(prob::ODEProblem, solver::ODESolver)
t = prob.tspan[1]; u = prob.u0
us = [u]; ts = [t]
while t < prob.tspan[2]
(u,t) = solver(prob, u, t)
ts, reduce(hcat,us)
You can load the true solution and compare it in a plot like below. The file that contains the correct solution is located here: lotkadata.jld2
using JLD2
using Plots
true_data = load("lotkadata.jld2")
p1 = plot(true_data["t"], true_data["u"][1,:], lw=4, ls=:dash, alpha=0.7, color=:gray, label="x Truth")
plot!(p1, true_data["t"], true_data["u"][2,:], lw=4, ls=:dash, alpha=0.7, color=:gray, label="y Truth")
(t,X) = solve(prob, Euler(0.2))
plot!(p1,t,X[1,:], color=1, lw=3, alpha=0.8, label="x Euler")
plot!(p1,t,X[2,:], color=2, lw=3, alpha=0.8, label="y Euler")
As you can see in the plot above, the Euler method quickly becomes quite inaccurate because we make a step in the direction of the tangent which inevitably leads us away from the perfect solution as shown in the plot below.
In the homework you will implement a Runge-Kutta solver to get a much better accuracy with the same step size.
Automating GaussNum
Next you will implement your own uncertainty propagation. In the lecture you have already seen the new number type that we need for this:
struct GaussNum{T<:Real} <: Real
Overload the ±
(type: \pm<tab>
) symbol to define GaussNum
s like this: 2.0 ± 1.0
. Additionally, overload the show
function such that GaussNum
s are printed with the ±
as well.
±(x,y) = GaussNum(x,y), x::GaussNum) = print(io, "$(x.μ) ± $(x.σ)")
Recall, that for a function $f(\bm x)$ with $N$ inputs, the uncertainty $\sigma_f$ is defined by
\[\sigma_f = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^N \left( \frac{df}{dx_i}\sigma_i \right)^2}\]
To make GaussNum
s work for arithmetic operations we could manually implement all desired functions as we started doing in the lecture. With the autodiff package Zygote
we can automate the generation of these functions. In the next two exercises you will implement a macro @register
that takes a function and defines the corresponding uncertainty propagation rule according to the equation above.
Implement a helper function uncertain(f, args::GaussNum...)
which takes a function f
and its args
and returns the resulting GaussNum
with an uncertainty defined by the equation above.
Hint: You can compute the gradient of a function with Zygote, for example:
julia> using Zygote;
julia> f(x,y) = x*y;
julia> Zygote.gradient(f, 2., 3.)
(3.0, 2.0)
function uncertain(f, args::GaussNum...)
μs = (x.μ for x in args)
dfs = Zygote.gradient(f, μs...)
σ² = mapreduce(+, zip(dfs,args)) do (df,x)
(df * x.σ)^2
GaussNum(f(μs...), sqrt(σ²))
Now you can propagate uncertainties through any function like this:
julia> x1 = 2.0 ± 2.0
2.0 ± 2.0
julia> x2 = 2.0 ± 2.0
2.0 ± 2.0
julia> uncertain(*, x1, x2)
4.0 ± 5.656854249492381
You can verify the correctness of your implementation by comparing to the manual implementation from the lecture.
For convenience, implement the macro @register
which will define the uncertainty propagation rule for a given function. E.g. for the function *
the macro should generate code like below
Base.:*(args::GaussNum...) = uncertain(*, args...)
Hint: If you run into trouble with module names of functions you can make use of
julia> getmodule(f) = first(methods(f)).module
getmodule (generic function with 1 method)
julia> getmodule(*)
function _register(func::Symbol)
mod = getmodule(eval(func))
:($(mod).$(func)(args::GaussNum...) = uncertain($func, args...))
function _register(funcs::Expr)
Expr(:block, map(_register, funcs.args)...)
macro register(funcs)
Lets register some arithmetic functions and see if they work
julia> @register *
julia> x1 * x2
4.0 ± 5.656854249492381
julia> @register - +
julia> x1 + x2
4.0 ± 2.8284271247461903
julia> x1 - x2
0.0 ± 2.8284271247461903
To finalize the definition of our new GaussNum
we can define conversion and promotion rules such that we do not have to define things like
+(x::GaussNum, y::Real) = ...
+(x::Real, y::GaussNum) = ...
Define convert
and promote_rule
s such that you can perform arithmetic operations on GaussNum
s and other Real
Hint: When converting a normal number to a GaussNum
you can set the standard deviation to zero.
Base.convert(::Type{T}, x::T) where T<:GaussNum = x
Base.convert(::Type{GaussNum{T}}, x::Real) where T = GaussNum(x,zero(T))
Base.promote_rule(::Type{GaussNum{T}}, ::Type{S}) where {T,S} = GaussNum{T}
Base.promote_rule(::Type{GaussNum{T}}, ::Type{GaussNum{T}}) where T = GaussNum{T}
You can test if everything works by adding/multiplying floats to GuassNum
julia> 1.0±1.0 + 2.0
3.0 ± 1.0
julia> [1.0±0.001, 2.0]
2-element Vector{Main.GaussNum{Float64}}: 1.0 ± 0.001 2.0 ± 0.0
Propagating Uncertainties through ODEs
With our newly defined GaussNum
we can easily propagate uncertainties through our ODE solvers without changing a single line of their code. Try it!
θ = [0.1±0.001, 0.2, 0.3, 0.2]
u0 = [1.0±0.1, 1.0±0.1]
tspan = (0.,100.)
dt = 0.1
prob = ODEProblem(lotkavolterra,tspan,u0,θ)
t, X = solve(prob, Euler(0.1))
([0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.30000000000000004, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.7999999999999999, 0.8999999999999999 … 99.19999999999864, 99.29999999999863, 99.39999999999863, 99.49999999999862, 99.59999999999862, 99.69999999999861, 99.7999999999986, 99.8999999999986, 99.9999999999986, 100.09999999999859], Main.GaussNum{Float64}[1.0 ± 0.1 0.99 ± 0.10004503985705639 … 2.00962692174768 ± 0.21113644544097507 2.0240144792168877 ± 0.21141809631075895; 1.0 ± 0.1 0.99 ± 0.10008496390567367 … 0.14203411803680374 ± 0.2658286647109277 0.1434818062439686 ± 0.2661634685328382])
Create a plot that takes a Vector{<:GaussNum}
and plots the mean surrounded by the uncertainty.
julia> mu(x::GaussNum) = x.μ
mu (generic function with 1 method)
julia> sig(x::GaussNum) = x.σ
sig (generic function with 1 method)
julia> function uncertainplot(t, x::Vector{<:GaussNum}) p = plot( t, mu.(x) .+ sig.(x), xlabel = "x", ylabel = "y", fill = (mu.(x) .- sig.(x), :lightgray, 0.5), linecolor = nothing, primary = false, # no legend entry ) # add the data to the plots plot!(p, t, mu.(X[1,:])) return p end
uncertainplot (generic function with 1 method)
uncertainplot(t, X[1,:])
Unfortunately, with this approach, we would have to define things like uncertainplot!
and kwargs
to the function by hand. To make plotting GaussNum
s more pleasant we can make use of the @recipe
macro from Plots.jl
. It allows to define plot recipes for custom types (without having to depend on Plots.jl). Additionally, it makes it easiert to support all the different ways of creating plots (e.g. via plot
or plot!
, and with support for all keyword args) without having to overload tons of functions manually. If you want to read more about plot recipies in the docs of RecipesBase.jl
. An example of a recipe for vectors of GaussNum
s could look like this:
@recipe function plot(ts::AbstractVector, xs::AbstractVector{<:GaussNum})
# you can set a default value for an attribute with `-->`
# and force an argument with `:=`
μs = [x.μ for x in xs]
σs = [x.σ for x in xs]
@series begin
:seriestype := :path
# ignore series in legend and color cycling
primary := false
linecolor := nothing
fillcolor := :lightgray
fillalpha := 0.5
fillrange := μs .- σs
# ensure no markers are shown for the error band
markershape := :none
# return series data
ts, μs .+ σs
ts, μs
# now we can easily plot multiple things on to of each other
p1 = plot(t, X[1,:], label="x", lw=3)
plot!(p1, t, X[2,:], label="y", lw=3)