Lab 04: Packaging
Warmup - Stepping through time
We now have all necessary functions in place to make agents perform one step of our simulation. At the beginning of each step an animal looses energy. Afterwards it tries to find some food, which it will subsequently eat. If the animal then has less than zero energy it dies and is removed from the world. If it has positive energy it will try to reproduce.
Plants have a simpler life. They simply grow if they have not reached their maximal size.
- Implement a method
which performs the following steps:- Decrement $E$ of agent by
. - With $p_f$, try to find some food and eat it.
- If $E<0$, the animal dies.
- With $p_r$, try to reproduce.
- Decrement $E$ of agent by
- Implement a method
which performs the following steps:- If the size of the plant is smaller than
, increment the plant's size by one.
- If the size of the plant is smaller than
An agent_step!
of a sheep in a world with a single grass should make it consume the grass, let it reproduce, and eventually die if there is no more food and its energy is at zero:
julia> sheep = Sheep(1,2.0,2.0,1.0,1.0,male);
julia> grass = Grass(2,2,2);
julia> world = World([sheep, grass])
Main.World{Main.Agent} 🌿 #2 100% grown 🐑♂ #1 E=2.0 ΔE=2.0 pr=1.0 pf=1.0
julia> agent_step!(sheep, world); world # NOTE: The second agent step leads to an error. # Can you figure out what is the problem here?
Main.World{Main.Agent} 🌿 #2 0% grown 🐑♂ #1 E=5.0 ΔE=2.0 pr=1.0 pf=1.0
julia> agent_step!(sheep, world); world
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching eat!(::Main.Animal{🐑}, ::Nothing, ::Main.World{Main.Agent}) The function `eat!` exists, but no method is defined for this combination of argument types. Closest candidates are: eat!(::Main.Animal{🐑}, ::Main.Plant{🌿}, ::Main.World) @ Main ~/work/Scientific-Programming-in-Julia/Scientific-Programming-in-Julia/docs/src/lecture_03/Lab03Ecosystem.jl:104 eat!(::Main.Animal{🐺}, ::Main.Animal{🐑}, ::Main.World) @ Main ~/work/Scientific-Programming-in-Julia/Scientific-Programming-in-Julia/docs/src/lecture_03/Lab03Ecosystem.jl:108
Finally, lets implement a function world_step!
which performs one agent_step!
for each agent. Note that simply iterating over all agents could lead to problems because we are mutating the agent dictionary. One solution for this is to iterate over a copy of all agent IDs that are present when starting to iterate over agents. Additionally, it could happen that an agent is killed by another one before we apply agent_step!
to it. To solve this you can check if a given ID is currently present in the World
julia> w = World([Sheep(1), Sheep(2), Wolf(3)])
Main.World{Main.Animal} 🐑♀ #2 E=4.0 ΔE=0.2 pr=0.8 pf=0.6 🐺♀ #3 E=10.0 ΔE=8.0 pr=0.1 pf=0.2 🐑♀ #1 E=4.0 ΔE=0.2 pr=0.8 pf=0.6
julia> world_step!(w); w
Main.World{Main.Animal} 🐑♀ #2 E=3.0 ΔE=0.2 pr=0.8 pf=0.6 🐺♀ #3 E=9.0 ΔE=8.0 pr=0.1 pf=0.2 🐑♀ #1 E=3.0 ΔE=0.2 pr=0.8 pf=0.6
julia> world_step!(w); w
Main.World{Main.Animal} 🐑♀ #2 E=2.0 ΔE=0.2 pr=0.8 pf=0.6 🐺♀ #3 E=8.0 ΔE=8.0 pr=0.1 pf=0.2 🐑♀ #1 E=2.0 ΔE=0.2 pr=0.8 pf=0.6
julia> world_step!(w); w
Main.World{Main.Animal} 🐑♀ #2 E=1.0 ΔE=0.2 pr=0.8 pf=0.6 🐺♀ #3 E=23.0 ΔE=8.0 pr=0.1 pf=0.2
Finally, lets run a few simulation steps and plot the solution
n_grass = 1_000
n_sheep = 40
n_wolves = 4
gs = [Grass(id) for id in 1:n_grass]
ss = [Sheep(id) for id in (n_grass+1):(n_grass+n_sheep)]
ws = [Wolf(id) for id in (n_grass+n_sheep+1):(n_grass+n_sheep+n_wolves)]
w = World(vcat(gs,ss,ws))
counts = Dict(n=>[c] for (n,c) in agent_count(w))
for _ in 1:100
for (n,c) in agent_count(w)
using Plots
plt = plot()
for (n,c) in counts
plot!(plt, c, label=string(n), lw=2)
Package: Ecosystem.jl
In the main section of this lab you will create your own Ecosystem.jl
package to organize and test (!) the code that we have written so far.
The simplest way to create a new package in Julia is to use PkgTemplates.jl
. ]add PkgTemplates
to your global julia env and create a new package by running:
using PkgTemplates
to interactively specify various options for your new package or use the following snippet to generate it programmatically:
using PkgTemplates
# define the package template
template = Template(;
user = "GithubUserName", # github user name
authors = ["Author1", "Author2"], # list of authors
dir = "/path/to/folder/", # dir in which the package will be created
julia = v"1.8", # compat version of Julia
plugins = [
!CompatHelper, # disable CompatHelper
!TagBot, # disable TagBot
Readme(; inline_badges = true), # added readme file with badges
Tests(; project = true), # added Project.toml file for unit tests
Git(; manifest = false), # add manifest.toml to .gitignore
License(; name = "MIT") # addedMIT licence
# execute the package template (this creates all files/folders)
This should have created a new folder Ecosystem
which looks like below.
├── Project.toml
├── src
│ └── Ecosystem.jl
└── test
├── Manifest.toml
├── Project.toml
└── runtests.jl
If you ]activate /path/to/Ecosystem
you should be able to run ]test
to run the autogenerated test (which is not doing anything) and get the following output:
(Ecosystem) pkg> test
Testing Ecosystem
Status `/private/var/folders/6h/l9_skfms2v3dt8z3zfnd2jr00000gn/T/jl_zd5Uai/Project.toml`
[e77cd98c] Ecosystem v0.1.0 `~/repos/Ecosystem`
[8dfed614] Test `@stdlib/Test`
Status `/private/var/folders/6h/l9_skfms2v3dt8z3zfnd2jr00000gn/T/jl_zd5Uai/Manifest.toml`
[e77cd98c] Ecosystem v0.1.0 `~/repos/Ecosystem`
[2a0f44e3] Base64 `@stdlib/Base64`
[b77e0a4c] InteractiveUtils `@stdlib/InteractiveUtils`
[56ddb016] Logging `@stdlib/Logging`
[d6f4376e] Markdown `@stdlib/Markdown`
[9a3f8284] Random `@stdlib/Random`
[ea8e919c] SHA v0.7.0 `@stdlib/SHA`
[9e88b42a] Serialization `@stdlib/Serialization`
[8dfed614] Test `@stdlib/Test`
Testing Running tests...
Test Summary: |Time
Ecosystem.jl | None 0.0s
Testing Ecosystem tests passed
From now on make sure that you always have the Ecosystem
enviroment enabled. Otherwise you will not end up with the correct dependencies in your packages
Adding content to Ecosystem.jl
Next, let's add the types and functions we have defined so far. You can use include("path/to/file.jl")
in the main module file at src/Ecosystem.jl
to bring some structure in your code. An exemplary file structure could look like below.
├── Manifest.toml
├── Project.toml
├── src
│ ├── Ecosystem.jl
│ ├── animal.jl
│ ├── plant.jl
│ └── world.jl
└── test
└── runtests.jl
While you are adding functionality to your package you can make great use of Revise.jl
. Loading Revise.jl
before your Ecosystem.jl
will automatically recompile (and invalidate old methods!) while you develop. You can install it in your global environment and and create a $HOME/.config/startup.jl
which always loads Revise
. It can look like this:
# try/catch block to make sure you can start julia if Revise should not be installed
using Revise
catch e
At some point along the way you should run into problems with the sample
functions or when trying using StatsBase
. This is normal, because you have not added the package to the Ecosystem
environment yet. Adding it is as easy as ]add StatsBase
. Your Ecosystem
environment should now look like this:
(Ecosystem) pkg> status
Project Ecosystem v0.1.0
Status `~/repos/Ecosystem/Project.toml`
[2913bbd2] StatsBase v0.33.21
In order to use your new types/functions like below
using Ecosystem
you have to export
them from your module. Add exports for all important types and functions.
# src/Ecosystem.jl
module Ecosystem
using StatsBase
export World
export Species, PlantSpecies, AnimalSpecies, Grass, Sheep, Wolf
export Agent, Plant, Animal
export agent_step!, eat!, eats, find_food, reproduce!, world_step!, agent_count
# ....
Unit tests
Every package should have tests which verify the correctness of your implementation, such that you can make changes to your codebase and remain confident that you did not break anything.
Julia's Test
package provides you functionality to easily write unit tests.
In the file test/runtests.jl
, create a new @testset
and write three @test
s which check that the show
methods we defined for Grass
, Sheep
, and Wolf
work as expected.
The function repr(x) == "some string"
to check if the string representation we defined in the
overload returns what you expect.
julia> # using Ecosystem using Test
julia> @testset "" begin g = Grass(1,1,1) s = Animal{Sheep}(2,1,1,1,1,male) w = Animal{Wolf}(3,1,1,1,1,female) @test repr(g) == "🌿 #1 100% grown" @test repr(s) == "🐑♂ #2 E=1.0 ΔE=1.0 pr=1.0 pf=1.0" @test repr(w) == "🐺♀ #3 E=1.0 ΔE=1.0 pr=1.0 pf=1.0" end
Test Summary: | Pass Total Time | 3 3 0.3s Test.DefaultTestSet("", Any[], 3, false, false, true, 1.734553231671123e9, 1.734553232019337e9, false, "REPL[2]")
Github CI
If you want you can upload you package to Github and add the julia-runtest
Github Action to automatically test your code for every new push you make to the repository.