Linear regression with sparse constraints

The standard regression problem reads

\[\operatorname{minimize}_w\qquad \sum_{i=1}^n(w^\top x_i - y_i)^2.\]

Often, a regularization term is added. There are two possibilities. The ridge regression adds the weighted squared $l_2$-norm penalization term to the objective:

\[\operatorname{minimize}_w\qquad \sum_{i=1}^n(w^\top x_i - y_i)^2 + \frac{\mu}{2}\|w\|_2^2.\]

LASSO adds the weighted $l_1$-norm penalization term to the objective:

\[\operatorname{minimize}_w\qquad \sum_{i=1}^n(w^\top x_i - y_i)^2 + \mu \|w\|_1.\]

Both approaches try to keep the norm of parameters $w$ small to prevent overfitting. The first approach results in a simpler numerical method, while the second one induces sparsity. Before we start with both topics, we will briefly mention matrix decompositions which plays a crucial part in numerical computations.

Theory of matrix eigendecomposition

Consider a square matrix $A\in \mathbb R^{n\times n}$ with real-valued entries. We there exist $\lambda\in\mathbb R$ and $v\in\mathbb R^n$ such that

\[Av = \lambda v,\]

we say that $\lambda$ is a eigenvalue of $A$ and $v$ is the corresponding eigenvector.

For the rest of this section, we will assume that $A$ is a symmetric matrix. Then these eigenvector are perpendicular to each other. We create the diagonal matrix $\Lambda$ with eigenvalues on diagonal and the matrix $Q$ with columns consisting of the corresponding eigenvectors. Then we have

\[A = Q\Lambda Q^\top\]

and for any real number $\mu$, we also have

\[A + \mu I = Q(\Lambda + \mu I) Q^\top.\]

Since the eigenvectors are perpendicular, $Q$ is an orthonormal matrix and therefore $Q^{-1} = Q^\top$. This implies that we can easily invert the matrix $A + \mu I$ by

\[(A + \mu I)^{-1} = Q (\Lambda + \mu I)^{-1} Q^\top.\]

Because $\Lambda + \mu I$ is a diagonal matrix, its inverse is simple to compute.

Theory of ridge regression

The optimality condition for the ridge regression reads

\[X^\top (Xw - y) + \mu w = 0.\]

Therefore, the optimal solution satisfies

\[w = (X^\top X + \mu I)^{-1}X^\top y.\]

For $\mu=0$, we obtain the classical result for the linear regression. Since $X^\top X$ is symmetric, we can compute its eigendecomposition

\[X^\top X = Q\Lambda Q^\top.\]

Then the formula for optimal weights simplifies into

\[w = Q(\Lambda+\mu I)^{-1} Q^\top X^\top y.\]

Since this formula uses only matrix-vector multiplication and an inversion of a diagonal matrix, we can employ it to fast compute the solution for multiple values of $\mu$.

Theory of LASSO

Unlike ridge regression, LASSO does not have a closed-form solution. Since it is a structured convex problem, it can be solved the ADMM algorithm. It is a primal-dual algorithm, which employs the primal original variable $w$, the primal auxiliary variable $z$ and the dual variable $u$ with the iterative updates:

\[\begin{aligned} w^{k+1} &= (X^\top X + \rho I)^{-1}(X^\top y + \rho z^k - \rho u^k), \\ z^{k+1} &= S_{\mu / \rho}(w^{k+1} + u^k) \\ u^{k+1} &= u^k + w^{k+1} - z^k. \end{aligned}\]

Here, $\rho > 0$ is an arbitrary number and

\[S_\eta(z) = \max\{z - \eta, 0\} - \max\{-z -\eta, 0\}\]

is the so-called soft thresholding operator. Since these updates must be performed many times, it may be a good idea to perform the same factorization of the matrix $X^\top X + \rho I$ as in the case of ridge regression.

Ridge regression

We will randomly generate $10000$ samples in $\mathbb R^{1000}$.

using LinearAlgebra
using Random
using Plots

n = 10000
m = 1000

X = randn(n, m)

The real dependence depends only on the first two features and reads

\[y = 10x_1 + x_2.\]

This is a natural problem for sparse models because most of the weights should be zero. We generate the labels but add noise to them.

y = 10*X[:,1] + X[:,2] + randn(n)

The first exercise compares both approaches to solving the ridge regression.


Implement the methods for the ridge_reg function. Verify that the result in the same result.


  • The eigendecomposition can be found by eigen(A) or eigen(A).values.
  • The identity matrix is implemented by I in the LinearAlgebra package.

The simple implementation for the solution is the same as in the case of linear regression. We only need to add μ*I.

ridge_reg(X, y, μ) = (X'*X + μ*I) \ (X'*y)

We first compute the eigendecomposition and save it into eigen_dec. Then we extract the eigenvector and eigenvalues. We also transpose the matrix $Q$ and save it into Q_inv so that we do not have to compute it repeatedly.

eigen_dec = eigen(X'*X)
Q = eigen_dec.vectors
Q_inv = Matrix(Q')
λ = eigen_dec.values

The more sophisticated way of solving the ridge regression contains only matrix-vector multiplication and the inversion of the diagonal matrix $(\Lambda + \mu I)^{-1}$. We need to properly add paranthesis, to start multiplication from the right and evade matrix-matrix multiplication, which would occur if we started from the left. Since the matrix $\Lambda + \mu I$ is diagonal, its inverse is the digonal matrix formed from the inverted diagonal.

ridge_reg(X, y, μ, Q, Q_inv, λ) = Q * ((Diagonal(1 ./ (λ .+ μ)) * ( Q_inv * (X'*y))))

When we compare both solution, we see that they are the same.

w1 = ridge_reg(X, y, 10)
w2 = ridge_reg(X, y, 10, Q, Q_inv, λ)

norm(w1 - w2)

To test the speed, we use the BenchmarkTools package. The second option is significantly faster. The price to pay is the need to pre-compute the matrix decomposition.

julia> using BenchmarkTools

julia> @btime ridge_reg(X, y, 10);
  114.182 ms (9 allocations: 22.91 MiB)

julia> @btime ridge_reg(X, y, 10, Q, Q_inv, λ);
  6.194 ms (5 allocations: 39.69 KiB)

Now we create multiple values of $\mu$ and compute the ridge regression for all of them. Since the broadcasting would broadcast all matrices, we need to fix all but one by the Ref command.

μs = range(0, 1000; length=50)
ws = hcat(ridge_reg.(Ref(X), Ref(y), μs, Ref(Q), Ref(Q_inv), Ref(λ))...)

plot(μs, abs.(ws');
    ylabel="weights: log scale",

The regularization seems to have a small effect on the solution.


For LASSO, we define the soft thresholding operator.

S(x, η) = max(x-η, 0) - max(-x-η, 0)

Then we define the iterative updates from ADMM. It is important that we allow to insert the initial values for $w^0$, $z^0$ and $u^0$. If they are not provided, they are initialized by zeros with the correct dimension. We should implement a proper termination condition but, for simplicity, we run ADMM for a fixed number of iterations.

function lasso(X, y, μ, Q, Q_inv, λ;
        max_iter = 100,
        ρ = 1e3,
        w = zeros(size(X,2)),
        u = zeros(size(X,2)),
        z = zeros(size(X,2)),

    for i in 1:max_iter
        w = Q * ( (Diagonal(1 ./ (λ .+ ρ)) * ( Q_inv * (X'*y + ρ*(z-u)))))
        z = S.(w + u, μ / ρ)
        u = u + w - z
    return w, u, z

Finally, we compute the values for all regularization parameters $\mu$. The second line in the loop says that if $i=1$, then run LASSO without the initial values, and if $i>1$, then run it with the initial values from the previous iteration. SInce the visibility of w, u and z is only one iteration, we need to specify that they are global variables.

ws = zeros(size(X,2), length(μs))

for (i, μ) in enumerate(μs)
    global w, u, z
    w, u, z = i > 1 ? lasso(X, y, μ, Q, Q_inv, λ; w, u, z) : lasso(X, y, μ, Q, Q_inv, λ)
    ws[:,i] = w

When we plot the parameter values, we see that they are significantly smaller than for the ridge regression. This is precisely what we meant when we mentioned that $l_1$-norm regularization induces sparsity.

plot(μs, abs.(ws');
    ylabel="weights: log scale",
Warm start:

The technique of starting from a previously computed value is called warm start or hor start. It is commonly used when some parameter changes only slightly. Then the solution changes only slightly and the previous solution provides is close to the new solution. Therefore, we initialize the algorithm from the old solution.