Files and modules

When writing code, it is essential to organize it effectively. There are three main ways of achieving this:

  1. Split code into multiple files.
  2. Use modules to create global scopes.
  3. Create separate packages by extracting code with general functionality.

These three approaches are often used together. This lecture describes how to use them in Julia.


The first and most basic approach is to split code into multiple files. Such files have to be of an appropriate type, i.e., Julia files with the .jl extension. These files can be loaded into the global scope by the include function.


The include function evaluates the source file content in the global scope of the module, where the include call occurs. If a file is included multiple times, it is also evaluated multiple times.

Even though using separate files to organize code can be very useful, this approach also has several disadvantages. For example, since all files are evaluated in the same global scope, we have to avoid clashes of variable/function names from different files. This problem can be solved by using modules as described in the following section.

Main module:

If we run a code in the REPL, the code is evaluated in the Main module, which serves as the default global scope. We can check this by the @__MODULE__ macro that returns the module in which the macro is evaluated.

julia> @__MODULE__

The parentmodule function determines the module containing the (first) definition of a generic function.

julia> foo() = 1
foo (generic function with 1 method)

julia> parentmodule(foo)


Modules allow users to specify which data from the module is visible outside of the module. In the section Scope of variables, we briefly mentioned that modules in Julia introduce a new global scope. In other words, modules in Julia are separate variable workspaces that provide three key features. They all help to prevent unexpected name clashes.

  • They define top-level definitions (global variables) without worrying about name conflicts.
  • They control the visibility of variables/functions/types outside of the module via exporting.
  • They control the visibility of variables/functions/types from other modules via importing.

The following example defines the module Points. We create it with the module keyword and load the LinearAlgebra package by the using keyword. Then we use the export keyword to export the Point type and the distance function. Finally, we write the actual content of the module.

module Points

using LinearAlgebra

export Point, distance

struct Point{T <: Real}

coordinates(p::Point) = (p.x, p.y), p::Point) = print(io, coordinates(p))
distance(p::Point, q::Point) = norm(coordinates(q) .- coordinates(p), 2)


Assume now that we want to load this module from a different file. Since each package core is a module, packages are loaded in the same way as modules. We need to specify using Main.Points or using .Points because we defined the package in the Main scope. If we loaded an external package Points, we would use using Points. After loading a package, we can directly access all the exported data.

julia> using .Points # alternatively using Main.Points
julia> p = Point(4,2)(4, 2)
julia> q = Point(2,2)(2, 2)
julia> distance(p, q)2.0

It is also possible to access all non-exported functions and types. To do so, we need to specify which module they are defined in. For example, we can call the non-exported coordinates function by the following syntax:

julia> Points.coordinates(p)(4, 2)
julia> Points.coordinates(q)(2, 2)

When writing a module, we have to decide which functions and types we want to export. The rule of thumb is that we export only the data end-users should use.

To redefine or extend an imported function, we need to specify the module. We can use the following way to redefine the distance function:

using .Points: coordinates

function Points.distance(p::Point, q::Point)
    d = sqrt(sum(abs2, coordinates(q) .- coordinates(p)))
    return "Distance is $d"

We can see the same syntax in the Points module, where we extend the show function from the Base module. We used the using .Points: coordinates syntax to call the coordinates function without specifying the module name.

julia> p = Point(4,2)(4, 2)
julia> q = Point(2,2)(2, 2)
julia> distance(p, q)"Distance is 2.0"

Besides the using keyword, Julia also provides the import keyword to import modules and packages. Its behaviour is slightly different; for more information, see the official documentation.

Relative and absolute module paths:

In the previous section, we added a dot before the module name in the using keyword. The reason is that if we import a module, the system consults an internal table of top-level modules to find the given module name. If the module does not exist, the system attempts to require(:ModuleName), which typically results in loading code from an installed package. However, if we evaluate code in the REPL, the code is evaluated in the Main module. Then Points are not in a top-level module but in a submodule of Main.

julia> Points

julia> parentmodule(Points)

Non-top-level modules can be loaded by both absolute and relative paths.

using Main.Points
using .Points

Adding one more leading dot moves the path one additional level up in the module hierarchy. For example, using ..Points would look for Points in the enclosing module for Main rather than Main itself.

Modules and files:

Since modules are associated only with module expressions, files are largely unrelated to modules. One can have multiple files in a module.

module MyModule



It is also possible to have multiple modules in a file.

module MyModule1

module MyModule2