Writing documentation is a good coding practice. It helps others to understand your code. It may even help the author after working on the code after an extended break. The most used documentation type is the docstring, a multiline string describing the functionality.
# /src/ImageInspector.jl
image(x::AbstractMatrix{T}; flip = true)
Converts a matrix of real numbers to a matrix of `Gray` points. If the keyword argument
`flip` is true, the matrix is transposed.
# Example
julia> x = [0.1 0.25; 0.4 0.6]
2×2 Matrix{Float64}:
0.1 0.25
0.4 0.6
julia> image(x)
2×2 Array{Gray{Float64},2} with eltype Gray{Float64}:
Gray{Float64}(0.1) Gray{Float64}(0.4)
Gray{Float64}(0.25) Gray{Float64}(0.6)
julia> image(x; flip = false)
2×2 Array{Gray{Float64},2} with eltype Gray{Float64}:
Gray{Float64}(0.1) Gray{Float64}(0.25)
Gray{Float64}(0.4) Gray{Float64}(0.6)
function image(x::AbstractMatrix{T}; flip = true) where {T <: Real}
xx = flip ? PermutedDimsArray(x, (2, 1)) : x
return Gray.(xx)
We first wrote a function header, and then we used one tab as an indentation. Then we wrote a short description of the function. Finally, we wrote usage examples. To get a well-looking format of the docstring, we use markdown # Example
to represents a title. We use the julia-repl
block to write code. Now we type the function name into the Julia help.
help?> image
search: image imag
image(x::AbstractMatrix{T}; flip = true)
Converts a matrix of real numbers to a matrix of `Gray` points. If the keyword argument
`flip` is true, the matrix is transposed.
julia> x = [0.1 0.25; 0.4 0.6]
2×2 Matrix{Float64}:
0.1 0.25
0.4 0.6
julia> image(x)
2×2 Array{Gray{Float64},2} with eltype Gray{Float64}:
Gray{Float64}(0.1) Gray{Float64}(0.4)
Gray{Float64}(0.25) Gray{Float64}(0.6)
julia> image(x; flip = false)
2×2 Array{Gray{Float64},2} with eltype Gray{Float64}:
Gray{Float64}(0.1) Gray{Float64}(0.25)
Gray{Float64}(0.4) Gray{Float64}(0.6)
Creating reports
Reports may be written externally in Latex. However, when we want to show some code, it may be advantageous to write them directly in Julia and export them to Jupyter notebooks. The Literate package allows combining Julia code with the Markdown syntax in a script. We mention the following code, which should be read with the soft wrapping on, as an example:
# # ImageInspector
# ImageInspector is a small package for educational purposes. Its main goal is not presenting functionality, but presenting package structure. This is its short documentation created in the package [Literate]( which uses the [Markdown]( syntax.
# To use the package, we need to load first the required packages.
using ImageInspector
using Plots
# ## Grayscale images
# As a test example, we create the real matrix `img1` representing a circle. We first discretize the domain $[-1,1]$ in `xs`. We assign black colour whenever $x^2 + y^2 \le 1$. Since the white colour is represented by `[1; 1; 1]` and the black colour by `[0; 0; 0]`, we can do it by the following code:
xs = -1:0.001:1
img1 = [x^2 + y^2 > 1 for x in xs, y in xs];
# This is a two-dimensional matrix, which represents a grayscale image. We convert it to an image by calling `image` and then we plot it.
plot(image(img1); axis=nothing, border=:none)
The Markdown syntax starts with #
. Among others, it allows to use:
- Links such as
. - Variables or latex syntax such as
Exporting the script into a notebook is simple.
julia> Import Literate
julia> Literate.notebook("report.jl"; execute=true)
The resulting notebook can be found at our Github. All required data are in the reports folder.
Adding content
We will add more functions to the ImageInspector
package. To plot multiple images at once, we will define two functions. The first one computes an optimal grid size for a given number of images.
# /src/ImageInspector.jl
function gridsize(n::Int; nrows::Int = -1, ncols::Int = - 1)
if nrows < 1
if ncols < 1
nrows = round(Int, sqrt(n))
ncols = ceil(Int, n / nrows)
nrows = ceil(Int, n / ncols)
ncols = ceil(Int, n / nrows)
return nrows, ncols
The second function consists of two methods and converts an array of real numbers to one big image of the appropriate colour type.
# /src/ImageInspector.jl
imagegrid(x, ind::Int; flip = true, kwargs...) = image(x, ind; flip)
function imagegrid(x, inds; flip = true, sep = 1, kwargs...)
imgs = image(x, inds; flip)
n = length(imgs)
nrows, ncols = gridsize(n; kwargs...)
h, w = size(imgs[1])
A = fill(
eltype(imgs[1])(1), # white color in proper color type
nrows*h + (nrows + 1)*sep, # height of the reculting image
ncols*w + (ncols + 1)*sep, # width of the reculting image
for i in 1:nrows, j in 1:ncols
k = j + (i - 1) * ncols
k > n && break
rows = (1:h) .+ (i - 1)*h .+ i*sep
cols = (1:w) .+ (j - 1)*w .+ j*sep
A[rows, cols] = imgs[k]
return A
We use the sep
keyword argument to specify the separator width between images. With all functions defined, we can test them.
# /examples/example.jl
X = MLDatasets.FashionMNIST(Float64, :train)[:][1];
plot(imagegrid(X, 1:10; nrows = 2, sep = 2); axis = nothing, border = :none)
Add doc strings for all functions in the ImageInspector package.