Package structure

The cool thing about Julia is the simplicity of creating packages and sharing them with others. This section contains a step-by-step tutorial on how to build a package from scratch. Moreover, we will use this package later in the course.

Built-in package generator

We first generate an empty package PackageName by the built-in function generate in the Pkg REPL.

(@v1.10) pkg> generate PackageName
 Generating  project PackageName:

This way generates the new package in the working directory. However, we may also specify an absolute or relative path to generate it elsewhere. The generate function creates a new folder (with the name matching the package name) with the following content.

├── Project.toml
└── src
    └── PackageName.jl

The new package consists of the Project.toml file and the src folder with one .jl file. The src/PackageName.jl file contains a module PackageName. The package, the .jl file, and the module share the same name. Since we will modify multiple files during this lecture, we will often specify which file we work with.

# /src/PackageName.jl
module PackageName

greet() = print("Hello World!")

end # module

Since the generate function creates an empty package, the Project.toml contains only information describing the package name, its unique UUID, version, and author list.

name = "PackageName"
uuid = "fa38fd22-11d6-48c8-ae38-ef06258216d8"
authors = ["Author Name"]
version = "0.1.0"

Since the Project.toml file src/*.jl files are sufficient for determining a package, packages are modules with their own environment.


The built-in generate function provides only basic functionality for generating packages. Even though it is sufficient in many cases, the PkgTemplates package offers a straightforward and customizable way for creating packages.


The goal of this exercise is to create a new package by the PkgTemplates package. Install PkgTemplates and then use the following code to generate a new package template.

using PkgTemplates

template = Template(;
    user="GithubUserName", # github user name
    authors=["Author1", "Author2"], # list of authors
    dir="/Path/To/Dir/", # dir in which the package will be created
    host="", # URL to the code hosting service where packages will reside
    julia=v"1.10", # compat version of Julia
        ProjectFile(; version=v"0.1.0"), # Add version
        Readme(; inline_badges=true), # add readme file with badges
        Tests(; project=false, aqua=true), # add unit test deps and Aquq
        Git(; manifest=false), # add manifest.toml to .gitignore
        License(; name="MIT"), # add MIT licence
        # disable other plugins

Do not forget to change user, authors and dir.

In the rest of the lecture, we will write code to visualize grayscale and colour images. Come up with a proper package name and use the following code to generate a new package.


For naming conventions, see the official package naming guidelines. Finally, create the folder examples in the main package folder.


There is no best way to choose the correct package name. We decided to use ImageInspector and create the package by the following code:


After creating the ImageInspector package, we can add the examples folder manually or use the mkdir function to create it. For the latter, we use the joinpath function to specify the correct path.

mkdir(joinpath("/Path/To/Dir/", "ImageInspector", "examples"))

The generated folder contains more files than the folder generated by the built-in generate function.

├── .git
├── .gitignore
├── Manifest.toml
├── Project.toml
├── examples
├── src
│   └── ImageInspector.jl
└── test
    └── runtests.jl
Interactive package generation:

PkgTemplates package also provides an interactive way to generate a template using the following command:

Template(; interactive=true)

The exercise above used a simple template. However, PkgTemplates provides many additional features to simplify the package generation process. Some plugins add documentation or integration with GitHub features. See the official PkgTemplates documentation for more information.